Cannabis Trends 2022

Cannabis Trends

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Cannabis Trends 20222 – 2023

As 2022 draws to a speedy close, it’s nice to take a look back. It’s been a big year for cannabis. Never in our history has cannabis had more legalization, variety, acceptance, access, industry growth and innovation. 

A recent  trends analysis, Seeing Green, used qualitative and quantitative research to showcase how, as cannabis becomes increasingly socially acceptable – not to mention legal – Gen Z is poised to embrace weed with very different attitudes than previous generations. This includes a more equitable lens, fewer stigmas, and with an eye for product design and sleek branding.

Changing Attitudes Toward Cannabis

For youth today, cannabis is seen as a more wellness-oriented, holistic alternative to other vices. 75% of Gen Z say that modern society is more accepting of cannabis. The report also found that 50% of Gen Z anticipate that “people into wellness and mental health” will actively consume cannabis products.

“Seeing Green also explores that as cannabis grows in acceptance, so too does the importance of branding and design within the category. Millennials and Gen Z alike are accustomed to well-designed products and packaging, and the cannabis category will be no different for them. Young people are also increasingly treating cannabis like any other brand, with 1 in 4 saying they plan to invest in a cannabis brand or stock, and nearly 40% saying they have discussed a specific branded cannabis product. Cannabis is now increasingly viewed as a means of ‘self-care,’ which is a dramatic shift from prior generations.”

“While young people may not have grown up with the stigma of marijuana use, they are aware of the criminalism and racial history and are expecting brands to prioritize cannabis activism. Gen Z overwhelmingly thinks it’s crucial to acknowledge the racist history of marijuana – and feel brands must address this as well.”

To learn more about the Cassandra Report®   and read the full article here 

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It’s been an exciting time to be a toker, grower, or aspiring ganja entrepreneur. Here are the top cannabis trends in the industry for 2022 and beyond 

  1. Continual Development

The cannabis industry is ripening in North America, and globally but it’s defying economist expectations. Mature markets typically hit a plateau, and profits remain in an expected range past that point. Previous predictions assumed that would happen to weed by 2022, but sales are yet to drop. Instead, they might reach a record high in America and Canada this year.

  1. Plummeting Cannabis Prices

The post-pandemic period is straining people’s budgets. As global inflation hits manufacturers left and right, prices of goods and services skyrocket. Regardless, Canadian weed is getting cheaper by the day. This decline in cost is a product of competition. There are over 800 licensed Canadian producers, all trying to stay afloat. They have to cut the prices of flowers, concentrates, edibles, and tools to keep shoppers and attract new ones.

  1. Public & Corporate Support

Public support for legalization is a logical counter to prohibition—it happened for alcohol, and now we see it for weed. People’s ambitions affected significant changes in North America and globally, in recent years, but the fight continues in 2022 and is likely to in the future.

  1. Increased M&A Activity

The following cannabis industry forecast might discourage emerging businesses, but it’s only natural in a free, capital-driven market. Weed corporations play a significant role in the marijuana sales landscape, especially in America. The previous year saw over 300 mergers and acquisitions, with big-name players assimilating mom-and-pop shops. The situation is similar in Canada, where major corps want to grow as large as possible. A field of over 800 independent producers is unsustainable, so predictions suggest that under a dozen manufacturers will soon dominate the sector.

  1. Ever-Growing Variety

Marijuana is getting more popular and accessible, and new retailers are popping up across the scene. They need unique selling points to surpass the competition; low costs alone don’t cut it. What’s more, the diverse shopper demographic is creating a market for pot in all forms. The logical response to these two tendencies is to expand product selection.

  1. Diverse Branding

As weed becomes legal and accessible, people’s beliefs change. This cultural shift is a blessing for brands, who are now free to carve out new and unique spaces for themselves.

      7. A Shift to Online Spaces

The final trend isn’t exclusive to cannabis—it’s hitting all industries in 2022.

The pre-pandemic period saw a massive transition to eCommerce to reduce overheads and expand operations. Lockdown and restrictions only made more retailers switch to an online business model. The internet created new job opportunities for weed enthusiasts from all walks of life. There’s an increasing need for marketing experts, from SEO specialists to graphic designers, video producers, and content writers.

Read more here 

The 5 biggest cannabis trends in marketing 

  1. Weed marketing meets entertainment
  2. Tasty product innovation upends stigmas
  3. Out-of-home ads offer opportunities and challenges
  4. CBD will be the Trojan horse for wellness messaging
  5. Activating learnings from the alcohol industry

Read more here 

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