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Top Cannabis FAQ’s
This month we celebrate a year of live Q and A’s. We answered all your top questions from the past year.
- Traveling with cannabis
- It’s technically legal or will be soon (as per the proposed bill).
- We spoke to Stefan aka Attorney420 – you can read more in our legal blog post.
- You are allowed around 100g on your person but it must be for personal use.
- Make sure it does not look like it’s for sale.
- But it is risky as it’s still a grey area. So you have to weigh up if it’s worth the risk that airport security (if you fly) or traffic cops (if you drive) will think you’re in the wrong and delay your travel.
- Consider ordering product to be delivered to your destination to avoid traveling with cannabis.
- Try prosecute the new destination, it helps make new friends.
- Consider traveling with more discreet forms of cannabis like gummies or a tincture etc.
- Does cannabis help you lose weight when you eat instead of smoking it?
This question is slightly misleading as it has 2 parts.
- Does cannabis help lose weight
- Cannabis has been shown to help stabilize blood sugar which in turn helps with weight loss.
- CBG is the cannabinoid found to have the greatest effect on weight loss.
- Durban poison is one of the highest CBG % of the world.
- Lots of studies at the moment as weight loss is a lucrative business.
- But cannabis can also cause the munchies and increased appetite so be careful what you choose to eat.
- Does eating over smoking help this?
- No research to show this. If anything it may work less well.
- Beware of edibles high in sugar.
- We would recommend consuming by smoking or an alcohol tincture for weight loss. Beware of tinctures if you are diabetic as it is alcohol based.
- Try to consume a strain high in CBG.
What is a Strain?
- A type of cannabis variety.
- Like ladysmith apples, each strain has its own unique properties and effects.
- Also changes with how its grown and how long it’s left before harvest.
- Use leafly.com to help find the right strains and info on them
Different cultivars (strains or types) and even different crops of marijuana plants can have varying amounts of cannabinoids and other active compounds. This means that marijuana can have different effects based on the strain used.
- What is CBD?
The dominant non-psychoactive cannabinoid, found in cannabis and is known for its ability to manage pain, increase calm, and reduce inflammation, as well as help with a host of other benefits.
- The Entourage effect
- Studies have show that all the cannabinoids and terpenes work to help each other boost the healing potential.
- It’s why many brands making CBD are using other plant terpenes etc. to replace what is lost when removing it making isolate etc.
- Does Cannabis really cure Cancer?
- We’re not doctors but even if we were, we couldn’t say this.
- There are legalities with a claim like that abd currently there is not enough research.
- Let’s talk about the basic way in which cannabis works. Cannabis helps to create homeostasis.
- It works to help the body equalise and perform at it’s optimum.
- Therefore helps all body functions.
- Hence the long list of things cannabis can help with.
- More specifically for cancer, research has shown that cannabis helps stop cancer calls from reproducing.
- This is the major concern with cancer and the fear of spreading.
- It possibly also helps defeat cancer cells.
- It can slow down the process and even reduce tumors.
- Can be used internally and externally for this like skin cancer.
- Also very good at helping with the effects of cancer treatments eg nausea and pain
- Can be used with other traditional therapies and medication
- Please speak to a professional before tmstartung any treatment.
- What dosage do you recommend for an edible?
- Idea of dosage is a western medical and pharmaceutical term which may not apply to plant based medicine like cannabis.
- You may have experienced the different effects of alcohol depending on the day. This is similar with cannabis.
- Our recommendation would be to take time to try different dishes to see what feels right.
- Each person has a unique internal environment and so the experience of a dose of edible cannabis, can vary significantly from one person to the next, even more so than other medications.
- This is due to several factors, including previous history of cannabis use, gastrointestinal factors, and the sensitivity of one’s endocannabinoid system.
- The ideal edible dosage depends on a lot of factors, including tolerance, individual body chemistry and the experience you’re looking for.
- But there are some basic guidelines that can help you find the right dose of edibles, measured in milligrams (mg).
- Use our handy guide to work out the dosage of edible products.
Recommended dosage
1 – 2.5 mg THC edibles
- Effects: Mild relief of pain, stress, and anxiety; increased focus and creativity.
- Good for: First-time consumers or regular consumers looking to microdose.
2.5 – 15 mg THC edibles
- Effects: Stronger relief of pain and anxiety symptoms; euphoria; impaired coordination and perception.
- Good for: Standard recreational use; persistent symptoms not addressed by smaller doses; people looking for a good night’s sleep.
30 – 50 mg THC edibles
- Effects: Strong euphoric effects; significantly impaired coordination and perception.
- Good for: High tolerance THC consumers; consumers whose GI systems don’t absorb cannabinoids well.
50 – 100 mg THC edibles
- Effects: Seriously impaired coordination and perception; possible unpleasant side effects including nausea, pain, and increased heart rate.
- Good for: Experienced, high-tolerance THC consumers; patients living with inflammatory disorders, cancer, and other serious conditions.
- Difference in smoking vs edibles
Smoking – quick and immediate highEffects in 5-10 minutes and last around an hour.
Edibles with oil take around an hour to feel and last 4-6 hours but can be 8-10 depending on metabolism.
Tincture – cannabis infused in alcoholEnters the system quicker. Easier to moderate and dose.
Remember to have non infused snacks for the munchies
- What are concentrates and how do I use them?
Types of cannabis products
All cannabis is not hemp, but all hemp is cannabis. Cannabis is the broad term used to describe hemp, the non psychoactive type of cannabis as well as sativa, indica and ruderalis which do contain THC and other psychoactive compounds.
- To create a low THC, high CBD oil.
- won’t get you high but may also lack the full terpene profile and cannabinoids for effective healing.
Isolate and distaliate
- Most CBD found in shops.
- Made from chemically isolated CBD
- Absolutely no THC.
- Won’t get you high but may also lacks full terpene profile and cannabinoids for effective healing.
Full spectrum CBD oil
- Made from a cannabis plant with high CBD but also has THC present.
- Will contain THC.
- Won’t get you high at the right dosage.
- Full terpene and cannabinoid profile.
- Best healing.
Full spectrum THC oil
- Made from a cannabis plant with high THC and other cannabinoids present.
- Will contain THC.
- Will get you high at the right dosage.
- Full terpene and cannabinoid profile.
- Best healing.
FECO etc
- Concentrated full spectrum THC oil.
- Contains all cannabinoids.
- High levels of THC.
- For specific types of healing like cancer.
What can you do if you get too high?
- Fortunately, there is virtually no threat of a fatal overdose.
- But it is possible to go overboard which happens to most cannabis users at least once in their lifetime.
- Every substance is toxic if you consume it in excess. .
Signs you’ve had too much
- A “white-out” – the main symptoms
A white-out is a side effect of acute cannabis intoxication. The colour drains rapidly from the face, followed by weakness, nausea or vomiting and even temporary unconsciousness. The symptoms are generally short lived. It’s good to have a sweet drink or snack and then sit or lie down. It should only take a few minutes for feelings of nausea and dizziness to subside.
- The shakes
- Cotton mouth
- High levels of anxiety and paranoia
- Panic attack
- Rapid heart rate
- Extreme confusion and memory problems, difficulty conversing
- Poor coordination
- High or low blood pressure
- Nausea and vomiting
- Hallucinations
What to Do If You Consume Too Much Cannabis?
- Remain calm, talk yourself down and remind yourself that the symptoms will pass and you will feel much better in about half an hour.
- Find a safe, quiet space to relax, preferably with a trusted person.
- Distract yourself by watching TV, listening to soothing music or taking a nap.
- Have a shower or bath and try to enjoy the feeling of the water.
- Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.
- Have a sweet snack or drink to raise your blood sugar.
- A large 50-200mg dose of CBD (without significant amounts of THC) can act as a partial antidote.
- Lemon oil, found predominantly in the rind and in lower amounts in the juice, has also been used. Grate a tablespoon of lemon zest and chew it up before swallowing.
Legal info
If you missed it, the recording is on the IGTV page and we summarized the conversation in a previous newsletter.
- Cannot make other products from your harvest legally. Cannabis, whether in the form of seed, leaf etc would be illegal.
- The proposed bill says: 1 person dwelling you can have 4 plants. If you’re 2 or more people per dwelling, you can have up to 8. So if for example you’re 4 friends sharing a home or commune, you can still only have 8 plants, 2 plants each. You can also have 4 plants plus your prescribed quantity. For a single person home that’s 600g. 2 or more people can have up to 1.2kg’s. So a house of 4 people would still only be able to have 1.2kg’s.
- 4-8 plants per household and another 600g or 1.2kg’s in the house at the same time.
- There is no limitation on seedlings up to 15cm’s (in the proposed bill), so in essence if you had 300 beautiful little seedlings growing and they’re all females. When they reach 15cm’s you will have to donate the rest of them. There will be no other way to legally get rid of them. Unless you destroy them.
- But remember if you have the 1.2kg’s all neatly packed in 5g bankies, the intention would be seen as selling and not private use. Even the correct amount like this would be seen as an intention to sell which is illegal.
- You can donate excess harvest to someone else. It’s the only way to legally dispose of it. For cannabis to exchange from one hand to another, unless you’ve got a Section 22 license, can only be a donation, not for financial gain.
- There’s no limit. You can give your entire harvest away if you want! As long as there’s no financial reward for that exchange.
Is the garden in a shared complex considered private space? Could I grow and smoke in my garden?
- You will have to look at the body corporate rules. What they’ve come down to, is that a lot of the body corporates, when they built the complexes would have registered your little garden as your exclusive use area. But others may have that classified as a common space. So a lot of them have used this to their advantage when they get, for example, a complaint from a neighbour about you smoking in your garden. They would look at how your garden is classified.
- Is it defined as a common space or is it defined as an exclusive use area. If it’s defined as an exclusive use area, you have a bit more leeway.
- Remember the law of nuisance hasn’t changed so if you smoke a lot and your upstairs neighbour is 80 years old and does have some kind of condition, especially now during Covid, it would be considered a nuisance and you would be demanded to stop.
Remember all parts of the plant are considered illegal to trade so you can’t legally buy seeds, clones or plants. But the legal responsibility will generally fall on the supplier not the consumer
Tolerance breaks
- Understand the science. In short, consuming THC depletes your CB1 receptors’ ability to respond over time. Taking a break simply helps them reset to their previous levels.
- Consider your own highs and habits. Do you need more weed to feel “high” than before? Do you feel like you’ve begun consuming out of habit instead of with intention? Let the answers be your guide. If you’re using cannabis to treat a chronic condition or terminal illness, consult your doctor first.
- Set an intention. Take some time up front to commit emotionally and mentally to the change in routine. Acknowledge and accept that any change comes with challenges.
- Choose a timeframe. Some studies indicate that it may take just a few days to replenish your receptors, but other research indicates that it takes about three weeks (21 days) for THC to leave the body. You know your own physiology, tolerance level, schedule, and consumption habits best. Be prepared to experiment and be creative: Some people choose to take breaks in conjunction with other “detoxes” or during vacation, when their day-to-day routine is already different.
- Ease in. Some people find that gradually cutting back on the amount they consume per day is easier than quitting cold turkey. You might also consider consuming strains with higher CBD percentages or a 1:1 CBD:THC ratio; CBD doesn’t interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors in the same way as THC.
- Replace your ritual. One of the easiest ways to change a habit is to replace it with something else you enjoy. Go for a walk. Take on a new project. And if you like the ritual of smoking, you can also try smoking hemp flower, which contains virtually no THC (usually less than .3%) and may still offer a calming or uplifting effect while also nurturing your endocannabinoid system.
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